Thursday 25 August 2011

What we can do to help ease world hunger? - Part 2

Assalamualaikum to all our friends..

Did you remember what we promised on the previous post??? Yeah! We promised to tell you about World Hunger Facts and also some of the other ways to help ease world hunger. From the previous post, we know that not all people in this world can live happily with plenty of foods. This can be shown on what had happened to people in Somalia.

This little child getting thinner because of drought
Craving for food !
Thinking of his fate

Through this post, we would like to share about World Hunger Facts. There are some interesting facts that you can take notice, such as:

  1. 1.02 billion people in the world are hungry. (UN Food and Agriculture Organization)
  2. 1 billion people in the world live on less that $1 a day. (World Development Indicators 2007 - The World Bank)
  3. 27 percent of children under 5 are moderately to severely underweight in the developing world. (State of the World's Children 2007 - UNICEF)
  4. Nearly one in three people die prematurely or have disabilities due to poor nutrition and calorie deficiencies. ( Malnutrition - World Health Organization, WHO)
  5. One in nearly seven people not get enough food to be healthy, making hunger and malnutrition the number one risk to health worldwide (UN World Food Programme)

They use this water in their daily life. Such a sad thing !
Waiting for food, food that makes them alive
    As what we can see on the top, almost 1.02 billion of people around the world are hungry. What can we do to help them? To stop the number or hunger from increasing day by day? To make them live happily with a good health? There are so ways to help ease world hunger and here we would like to share some other ways to help them such as;

    • Give money to worthy hunger-related organizations.
    • Contribute to canned food drives or start one of your own by charging admission of a can food to your next social event. After the party, make sure your catered extra food goes to local hunger-relief agencies.
    • Promote sustainable farming practices.
    • Ensure access to micro-finance.
    • Learn about the issues of hunger so that you can take more effective actions.
    Look !! Why not if we help those hunger to improve their life's quality? Those ways can be used to reduce hunger and with our help, they can improve their life. 

    Come on guys !! Lets start to help them. They have their right to live happily like us. 

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